Since the beginning of the digital revolution there have been two fundamental ways of looking at computers:
Some people are excited about the potential of users networked on intranets and Internet. These people value the enormous time and labor savings that databases and automation provide.
Others are unhappy that the work environment is so totally dominated by technologies that are still foreign to them. They don’t want to read thick manuals or learn complex softwares. They aren’t comfortable at a keyboard. These people work best with pen and paper.
Both approaches are valid. To keep up with the world, we have to keep up with digital technology. But the technology exists for its users, not the other way around, and the users cannot be left behind. A technology that only a few specialists can work with has only limited utility.
dotforms bridges the gap between the ease and immediacy of pen and paper on the one hand, and the power of digital data on the other.
With dotforms, the user continues to work the way he or she is accustomed to working, by entering data with pen and paper. The dotforms revolution lies in the fact that the information is automatically digitized and sent directly to the intranet or Internet as an electronic copy of the physical paper form, as well as in the form of data for computer use.
The following pages tell you more about the features of dotforms. We’ll also be glad to talk to you in person, to supply more information and for help in project planning.