One special feature of dotforms solutions is that it allows all the handwritten collection of all types and forms of data. There are no limitations on type of data, whether numbers, drawings, or words, and no restrictions on the way the preprinted form has to look.
Electronic copies can be generated in any format - JPG, TIF, GIF, PDF etc.
Computers require data to be in a clearly defined binary format. Binary data is made up of specific sequences of ones and zeros. For example, binary code for “4” is 1100 0101. However, handwriting and drawings are analog graphics that having nothing to do with this format. To make handwriting computer-readable, you need to convert it into binary form.
How does dotforms do this?
Using positioning coordinates, a dotforms application can easily detect whether or not a checkbox has been marked. Since the checkbox is either marked or not, it is a “binary condition” that is completely compatible with computers and thus 100% reliable. Data collected using checkboxes can be instantly fed to a database and further processed. The dotforms pen knows exactly what checkboxes on what pages are marked “page_5,checkbox_24=checked”
Numerical values: 0,1,...,9
Numerals are a much more difficult problem, since the shape of each handwritten numerals differs greatly from person to person. It requires a numerical handwriting recognition program, which we also offer. This software has a 95% reliability rate and more. In order to get 100% reliable conversion to computer code, we offer a verification platform accessible by Internet on a secure connection. This tool enables ergonomic and rapid conversion of large volumes of numerical data. Ask us about a Verifier demo!
An analysis of typical form contents shows that 80-90% of the information on forms is entered via checkboxes or numerals.
Alphabetical values: A,B,...,Z
Handwritten letters are even more variable than numerals. Recognition rates are far below 95%, and the necessary correction effort is high. Given the current limits of conversion technology, we do not offer automatic handwriting recognition software. Instead, with the Verifier mentioned above, we allow manual keyboard entry of handwritten data. This allows the conversion of alphabetical data, albeit slowly. Therefore, we recommend that forms be designed to avoid alphabetical data as far as possible and instead focus on data entry in the form of checkboxes and numerals. This allows great scope for data collection, since numbers can be assigned specific meanings on the form.
Interpretation of graphics
The human mind thinks in images. dotforms pays tribute to this neurological fact, since it is extremely well suited for entering and interpreting graphical information. For example, in hospital situations patients can circle the area where it hurts on a picture of a human body. dotforms “knows” where this area is and can easily translate it into binary code.
Body temperature can be quickly noted down simply by drawing a line on a picture of a thermometer. Clock time can be noted by marking a picture of a clock. The same goes for pain severity scales, automobile damage, etc. There is no limit to what can be done by this simple method.
Once again, this shows that dotforms Systems meets human needs and suits the human disposition.